Stopping Your Child from being a Victim of Identity Theft

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I know I'm safe, but is my credit?

I know I'm safe, but is my credit?

Over 400,000 children a year are victims of identity theft. Their clean credit reports,and previously unused social security numbers fall pray to criminals on a regular basis. One weekly news broadcast had a convicted credit fraudster discussing how easy it is to steal a child’s social security number based on publicly available data–place and date of birth. Because parents are required to get social security numbers to write children off, there is a much greater correlation with place and date of birth than there has been in the past.

How can you stop this? First, order a copy of your child’s credit report from  Secondly, contact the major bureaus and put a “block” on your children’s credit reports.  If your child starts receiving credit card pre-approvals red flag that someone may be tinkering with your child’s credit.  That must be looked into immediately. 

Finally, contact your auto and home insurers.  Many of them have identity theft programs included in your insurance already.  If so, make certain that they cover your children as well.  As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to call.